Seminar Papers 2007 onwards

Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk


December 2007: invited seminar paper at the University of Freiburg History Department.

2008: invited seminar papers at the History Departments of the Universities of Freiburg-im-Breisgau (June), Potsdam (May) and Marburg (June) in Germany, and the University of Berne in Switzerland (March).

April 2009: invited seminar paper to the Reformation Studies and Early Modern seminar at the University of St Andrews.

April 2010: invited seminar paper to the Centre Roland Mousnier (early modern history) at the University of Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV).

2011: invited seminar papers at the History Department of the Humboldt University of Berlin (January), the History Department of Potsdam University (January), and the Centre Marc Bloch (Berlin) (May) in Germany; and at the History Department of the University of Manchester (October).
Period2007 → …
Event titleSeminar Papers 2007 onwards
Event typeOther