NHS Fife (External organisation)

  • Martin Campbell (Participant)

Activity: Membership typesMembership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel


Member of Fife Council/NHS Fife Partnership Strategy Implementation Group (SIG)
Main purpose and work of this group:
Contributes to the Service Redesign Board of NHS Fife and to the Partnership Management Group of the Health & Social Care Partnership.
Maintains a strategic overview of NHS activity and planning in relation to
mental health services; and
Acts as a collaborative planning group bringing together the work of NHS Fife
and Fife Council in planning mental health services.

My role in this group is to advise on commissioning of services for people with intellectual disabilities and to contribute to the redesign of services and evaluation of same. This work is done as part of my role as an Action Group Member for the Joint Improvement Team (Scottish Government).
Held atNHS Fife, United Kingdom