MSP Visit to Metal Ions in Medicine Group

Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in or organising a public festival/exhibition/event


Three local MSPs, Roger Mullin (SNP), Willie Rennie (Scottish Lib Dems) and Alex Rowley (Labour), together with representatives from the British Heart Foundation were in St Andrews to hear about the cutting-edge cardiovascular research being carried out in the School of Medicine. Dr Alan Stewart and Dr Sam Pitt as well as other researchers from the Metal Ions in Medicine Group (Dr Siavash Khazaipoul, Amelie Sobczak and Gavin Robertson) presented updates on their work. In addition, Prof David Crossman and Dr Simon Powis were in attendance, with Prof Crossman providing an introduction to the school and an overview of how biomedical research is funded and its importance to Scotland.
Period24 Mar 2017
Event typeExhibition