Legenda, Oxford (Publisher)

Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work typesPeer review of manuscripts


Legenda: Studies in Comparative Literature

Studies in Comparative Literature are produced in close collaboration with the British Comparative Literature Association, and range widely across comparative and theoretical topics in literary and translation studies, accommodating research at the interface between different artistic media and between the humanities and the sciences.

Editorial Committee:

Dr Duncan Large, British Centre for Literary Translation, University of East Anglia (Chair)
Dr Emily Finer, University of St Andrews
Dr Dorota Goluch, Cardiff University
Dr Priyamvada Gopal, Churchill College Cambridge
Professor Wen-chin Ouyang, SOAS, London
Professor Timothy Mathews, University College London
Professor Elinor Shaffer, School of Advanced Study, London
Period2014 → …
Type of publisherPublisher


  • Comparative Literature
  • BCLA
  • MHRA