Activity: Talk or presentation types › Public lecture/debate/seminar
Co-organised with Dr Robert Wilson (St Andrews). This is a series of public readings and explanations of all 100 cantos of Dante’s Comedy organised as study days. It will be the first complete Lectura Dantis of its kind held in the UK and is free and open to everyone – all members of the university and the public.
The LDA now meets normally four times a year and continues to attract the most eminent international Dante scholars. Each meeting includes lecturae on three to four cantos, two in the morning and two in the afternoon, and concludes with a round table discussion. The LDA will reach its exact middle point and critical core with the central cantos of the 'Purgatorio', in 2013 coinciding with the celebrations for the University of St Andrews’ 600th anniversary.
A reading a critical analysis of canto XXXIV of Inferno, the first 'cantica' of Dante's Comedy