Invited speaker at colloquium on “Mining and Metallurgy in the Andes" (Sucre/Potosí, Bolivia) sponsored by the Institut de Recherche et Developpement (IRD), the Institut Français d'Études Andines (IFEA), the French Embassy in Bolivia, and the University of Colorado (USA). Attendance made possible by a grant from the British Academy.

  • Tristan Platt (Invited speaker)

Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk

Period2006 → …
Event titleInvited speaker at colloquium on “Mining and Metallurgy in the Andes" (Sucre/Potosí, Bolivia) sponsored by the Institut de Recherche et Developpement (IRD), the Institut Français d'Études Andines (IFEA), the French Embassy in Bolivia, and the University of Colorado (USA). Attendance made possible by a grant from the British Academy.
Event typeOther