Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
This roundtable will provide perspectives on what is to be done and how to do it in order to make the next century of IR a more global and historically aware, a less parochial, and altogether an ever more exciting one. What is in store for IR’s next hundred years? Which forces of world politics currently shape our discipline as it begins its second century? What role do we envision for International Studies in the world where academic freedom in general and social sciences in particular are under pressure? To what degree is contemporary IR what we – the scholars of International Studies – make of it? The second plenary will ponder how IR scholars could with their own daily labour, work and action bring about positive, transformative change to the study of world politics. The speakers will discuss different ways of scholarly practice, method, responsibility and social engagement to probe the future of IR’s analytical object, and the modalities of engagement of our disciplinary gaze and touch.
26 Jun 2019
Held at
European International Studies Association (EISA), United Kingdom