Global experiences of teleconsultation training in undergraduate health care and social work education – a systematic review

  • Lisa Wetzlmair (Speaker)

Activity: Talk or presentation typesPresentation


Background: Previous studies and the COVID-19 pandemic stressed the importance of teleconsultation in health care. Educating the workforce is essential to continue with safe, high-quality delivery of services and increases the likelihood of implementing teleconsultations in health care. While training for the workforce is encouraged, teleconsultation education in health care and social work programmes are seldom documented. Therefore, the present review aims to investigate global experiences of teleconsultation training in undergraduate health care and social work education.

Summary of Work: A systematic review of peer-reviewed literature was undertaken. Electronic databases were searched for eligible evidence. Grey literature was excluded. Studies had to describe or evaluate education in teleconsultation of undergraduate health care and social work students. It was not intended to analyze digital learning in health care and social work education. The search identified 586 articles published between 2010 and 2020.
Event titleAMEE 2021
Event typeConference