Edufair 2014 - The University of Stirling's Annual Learning and Teaching Conference

Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk


Delivered talk on Curriculum for Excellence: Lessons from the Interactive Whiteboard

First-hand experience of the HEA-funded Curriculum for Excellence Scholarship Scheme will be reported, along with highlights and outcomes from the experiences of others on the scheme. The Scholarship provided funding to enable HE staff to visit a local secondary school, engage with teachers and pupils and consider the impact of CfE on future higher education content and delivery within their respective discipline when students enter HE from 2015. This session will provide the opportunity for participants to reflect upon the implications, for their own (disciplinary) practice, of findings from this Scholarship Scheme and will consider whether the model/approach employed within the Scholarship Scheme could be more widely employed institutionally.
Period7 May 2014
Event titleEdufair 2014 - The University of Stirling's Annual Learning and Teaching Conference
Event typeOther


  • Curriculum for Excellence
  • HEA scholarship