Conference Papers 2005-2006

Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk


March 2005: invited speaker to annual conference of North American Society for French Historical Studies (March), for a panel to celebrate twenty years since William Beik's book "Absolutism and Society in Seventeenth-Century France: State Power and Provincial Aristocracy in Languedoc" (Cambridge University Press).

December 2005: invited panel chair and commentator at conference "War and Society in the Golden Age: the Netherlands in Comparative Perspective, c.1550-1700" at the Instituut Defensie Leergangen, Rijswijk (Netherlands), organised by the Amsterdam Centre for the Study of the Golden Age and the Institute of Military History (The Hague) (December).

September 2006: invited speaker to conference "International Symposium of the Perspective of Monarch and Royal Court" at the former Imperial Summer Retreat at Chengde (China).
Event titleConference Papers 2005-2006
Event typeOther