Computational Logic workshop

  • Peter Földiák (Invited speaker)

Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk


Neural representation and categories

Computational Logic workshop

The neural code maps states of the environment or states of 'mind' to the electrical activity patterns of neurons. There is evidence that the brain uses a sparse and explicit neural code, meaning that each state is coded by the activity of a small fraction of available neurons, and that neurons represent semantically interpretable aspects of the state. The overlap of the codewords then imply semantic relationships between the represented items. This structure within the code is well captured by Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), where objects are the items to be represented and the attributes are the neurons activated by the items. FCA and its statistical extension are useful tools for representing categories in a flexible way.
Period18 Nov 201119 Nov 2011
Event titleComputational Logic workshop
Event typeConference
LocationSt Andrews, United KingdomShow on map