Co-Organiser of a meeting at St. Andrews 12-14 January 2003 Enzyme mechanism; A Structural perspective (session Chair). Naismith J, Ingledew J.; Chapman S. Meeting in honour of Henry L. Ehrlich, August 23rd-24th 2001 Department of Biology Rensselaer Polytechnic, Troy NY. Speaker and session chair Wiesbaden, GERMANY, Mechanism of Bioenergetic Membrane Proteins Structures and Beyond 20th-24th March 2005 Session Chair and Poster Judge. 56th Harden Conference: Biological Electron and Proton Transfer Plymouth, UK 26-30th August 2003 Session Chair, Poster Judge Queen Mary Westfield College, London. Inorganic Biochemistry Discussion Group. Metals and radicals in biology: spectroscopic insights 5-6th January 2006 Session Chairman
- W John Ingledew (Organiser)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in or organising a conference