Centre for Research Expertise in Water (CREW) Steering Group (External organisation)

Activity: Membership typesMembership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel


Steering Group member of CREW.
CREW, Scotland's Centre of Expertise for Waters, connects research and policy. CREW delivers objective and robust research and expert opinion to support the development and implementation of water policy in Scotland. CREW is a partnership between the James Hutton Institute and all Scottish Higher Education Institutes. The Centre is funded by the Scottish Government.

The MASTS Directorate is responsible for procuring research on behalf of CREW and assisting the CREW Secretariat in managing projects. I was largely responsible helping CREW establish its project procurement and project management processes and as part of the MASTS team I continue to advise in this capacity.
Held atCentre for Research Expertise in Water (CREW) Steering Group, United Kingdom