Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy: the thirteens

Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk


Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante’s Comedy is a four-year long series of workshops and public lectures organized by the Department of Italian at Cambridge in collaboration with the Leeds Centre for Dante Studies. The lectures explore the vertical connections between cantos of the same number across all three canticles. Scholars and students at Cambridge, Leeds, and Notre Dame participate in workshops on single cantos via teleconference before each lecture. This is the first time that this method of reading (a method that has been discussed by Dante scholars and executed very successfully in studies of single cantos) will be systematically employed to tackle the entire poem.

Sponsored by the Department of Italian at Cambridge in collaboration with the Leeds Centre for Dante Studies and Italian Studies at Notre Dame.
Period13 Feb 2014
Held atUniversity of Cambridge, United Kingdom