World War One At Home is an ambitious, large-scale project that will bring more than a thousand powerful stories to life – all linked to specific places across the UK and Ireland – in a way never told before. It will uncover surprising stories about familiar neighbourhoods where the wounded were treated, major scientific developments happened, prisoners of war were held and where heroes are buried. In what will be a unique broadcasting event, 1,400 stories (100 stories from each of eleven BBC regions, and the three BBC Nations with an additional 100 Welsh language stories from BBC Cymru Wales) will feature on BBC regional TV and Local Radio in England, as well as on national programmes in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, starting in early 2014. AHRC involvement in the initiative is being undertaken through its Care for the Future theme which explores how ‘the relationship between the past, present and future shapes our understanding of the world around us.’The AHRC is funding researchers to work with production teams in the BBC Nations between January and March 2014 to source, select and showcase stories related to the First World War. Researchers will advise on the war’s impact on the Nations and highlight links with broader national and international events and themes.
The researchers selected to support BBC Nations are as follows:
BBC Scotland
Dr Derek Patrick and Dr William Kenefick, University of Dundee
Professor Alistair McCleery, Edinburgh Napier University
Period | 2014 → 2015 |
Held at | BBC World War One at Home, United Kingdom |
Degree of Recognition | National |