Advisor to the General Register Office (Scotland) regarding the languages of Scotland

  • Steve Murdoch (Participant)

Activity: Consultancy typesConsultancy and expert advice


Advisor to the General Register Office (Scotland) regarding the languages of Scotland. In particular, advising on the largest socio-linguistic project concerning Scots conducted to that date (1996). This project led directly to the Scots language being put on the 2010 census

Advisor to the General Register Office (Scotland) regarding the languages of Scotland. In particular, advising on the largest socio-linguistic project concerning Scots conducted to that date (1996). This project led directly to the Scots language being put on the 2010 census
Period1 Oct 199530 Jun 1996
Work forGeneral Register Office for Scotland


  • Scots language
  • Scottish language
  • Scottish linguistics
  • Socio-linguistics