(8) Co-Organiser NESCent catalysis meeting "Sexual Selection Studies: Progress, Challenges, and Future Directions", Raleigh NC, USA. (7) Lead organiser, Royal Entomological Society International Symposium and National Meeting "ENTO13" 2013, St Andrews, U.K. (6) Lead organiser, Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour, Winter Meeting 2011, ZSL, London, U.K. (5) Co-organiser, Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour, Easter Meeting 2008, Edinburgh, U.K. (4) Lead organiser, ESF/BEPAR Workshop 2008, Edinburgh, U.K. (3) Lead organiser, International Nasonia Meeting 2008, Edinburgh, U.K. (2) Co-organiser, Community genetics: At the Crossroads of Ecology and Evolution, 2008, Manchester, U.K. (1) Session organiser, RES Ento07, Edinburgh, U.K.
- Shuker, D. M. (Organiser)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in or organising a conference