1636 – ihre letzte schlacht

  • Steve Murdoch (Participant)

Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in or organising a public festival/exhibition/event


1636 – Ihre Letzte Schlacht: Leben im Dreißigjährigen Krieg (1636 Battle of Wittstock Exhibition). This exibition will tour in Germany, Austria and Sweden. It is hoped to bring it to Scotland.

Museum exhibition centred around the mass grave of soldiers killed on 4 October 1636. The exhibition seeks to tell the story of the men in the grave through an interdisciplinary visual display featuring art, weaponry, maps, interactive media and the remains of the soldiers themselves.

I was author of several of the explanatory information panels and guides for this exhibition, particularly those looking at the Scottish soldiery, Scottish life in the seventeenth century and the motivation for Scottish and Swedish participation in the conflict. Further, I identified many of the documents and portraits used in the exhibition from repositories in Scotland and Sweden and helped to facilitate their loan to the organisers. I was responsible for the transcription and translation of those documents from Swedish and Scots into English. All texts rendered into German were done so by Dr Kathrin Zickermann (Scotland and the Wider World Project). Equally important is the fact that I undertook a protracted trip to Sweden to introduce the German team to my long-established colleagues in the Swedish Military Archives (Krigsarkiv)/ National archives (Riksarkiv) and Military Museum (Armeenuseum). I likewise made similar introductions at the National Museum of Scotland and at Historic Scotland. I am uncertain how to quantify this, but artefacts, maps and images have been loaned to the Exhibition as a result. The dates below are the expected life of the Exhibition, the introductions and work described were undertaken between 2009 and 2012.
Period1 Apr 201231 Dec 2016
Event typeExhibition
LocationBrandenburg, GermanyShow on map